In the not too distant past we lived a conventional family life in a home we loved in Killiney, South County Dublin, had jobs we both enjoyed, Luca attended a local creche, and we had an easy and pleasant cycle along the South Dublin coast to and from work/ the creche (excluding the cycle up Killiney Hill en route home that is). We loved our lives but ADORED our holidays. We frequently found ourselves reminiscing about holidays past and, despite having been to plenty of exotic locations and fine hotels, we always found ourselves fondly remembering a wonderful two week cycle holiday along the beautiful Pembrokeshire coast in Wales, just before we were married in 2007 and before Luca came along, which seemed to trump all of the others.

What made it stand apart? Well, despite lots of hills, buckets of rain and not a boutique hotel in sight, we had a ball. Life was, quite simply, simple. We loved the freedom of life on the bikes and pitting ourselves against the elements. We didn't just “see” the stunning countryside, we literally travelled on and breathed it. We were sensible of every bump on the road, every cross wind, every (rare) ray of Welsh sun and (plentiful) drop, or sheets, of Welsh rain. Every revolution revealed more and more delights and made for memories that would stay with us always and stories with which we could regale our grandchildren; feisty geese, mad cows (actually mad), rickety characterful hotels appearing like an oasis out of the mist just when we thought our will would break and even a true Beckett like moment where we encountered a farmer standing deathly still in the middle of a muddy lane, head cast down holding a watch - but that's a story in itself. We enjoyed our meals all the more for having earned them. And - one for the girlies – we lost weight, effortlessly, despite eating whatever and whenever we wanted.
Returning back to our aforedescribed conventional living I (Linda) found myself, in March 2010, facing the end of my employment contract in recession riven Ireland while Phil had the opportunity of a 3 year career break. What to do? We had been blessed with a gorgeous son who was at a stage where he was literally growing every day, good health and, as Phil's career break was “incentivised”, we were in a position to, independently, fund an inexpensive way of life – which clearly meant leaving Ireland. A decision which the economic collapse, growing dole queues, the ineptitude of the Irish government and relentless banking crises/ scandals all served to make easier. And so, we left our beloved home, family and friends behind and we set off around the world, on two wheels....
This blog recounts our experiences. Enjoy!